CIPL 2015 Brazil Initiative
About the InitiativeAs Brazil continues its ongoing process to develop a comprehensive privacy law, CIPL is pursuing a special initiative to facilitate and support international expert engagement with key Brazilian stakeholders. As part of this outreach initiative, CIPL submitted written comments (English and Portuguese) on the draft privacy law released by the Ministry of Justice in January 2015 and led a CIPL member delegation to Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro in March 2015. The delegation held privacy consultations with Brazilian government representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Communications, the drafters of the law, and several academic institutes.
In October 2015, CIPL and the Centro de Direito, Internet e Sociedade do Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (CEDIS/IDP), a legal institute based in Brazil, co-hosted a two-day Global Data Privacy Dialogue in Brasilia, at the IDP’s conference facilities. The conference brought together Brazilian and international privacy experts from government, industry and academia to discuss how to achieve effective privacy protection for individuals, while at the same time enabling technological innovation and the beneficial uses of personal data in the age of Big Data and the Internet of Things. In addition, CIPL held delegation meetings in the margins of this conference with Juliana Pereira da Silva, Secretary of the National Consumer Protection Secretariat at the Ministry of Justice, and Senator Aloysio Nunes Ferreira’s parliamentary advisor Fabricio da Mota Alves. CIPL is currently reviewing more recent draft privacy privacy bills, including the revised bill released by the Ministry of Justice in October 2015 and is preparing written comments. |
White Papers and Public ConsultationsCIPL Comments (English) on the Revised Brazil Draft Privacy Law on the Protection of Personal Data
(Portuguese version, 16 de Maio de 2016) May 16, 2016 Letter to Senator Aloysio Nunes regarding revised Senate Bill 330 (English and Portuguese) May 16, 2016 Compendium of Excerpts of Ministry Bill Comments for Letter to Senator Aloysio Nunes (English and Portuguese) May 16, 2016 CIPL Comments (English) - Brazil's Draft Law "On the Processing of Personal Data to Protect the Personality and Dignity of Natural Persons" May 5, 2015 Comentários do CIPL (Portuguese) - Anteprojeto de lei do Brasil que dispõe “sobre o tratamento de dados pessoais para proteger a personalidade e a dignidade da pessoa natural” 5 de Maio de 2015 |
Conferences and WebinarsCIPL and CEDIS/IDP Global Data Privacy Dialogue
October 6-7, 2015 Brasilia
Photos from Global Data Privacy Dialogue
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